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小学英语北师大版(一起点)二年级上册Unit 6

[00:02.66]Unit 6 Review第六单元 复习
[00:09.00]Hello! My name's Bobby Bear.你好!我是小熊博比。
[00:13.40]What's your name?你叫什么名字?
[00:17.68]My name's Tommy.我叫汤米。
[00:21.02]Who's he?他是谁?
[00:23.54]He's my friend. 他是我的朋友。
[00:26.75]His name's Ken.他叫肯。
[00:29.82]That's his family.那是他的家人。
[00:34.57]This is Ann.这是安。
[00:36.85]She is Ken's sister.她是肯的妹妹。
[00:40.03]Hello, Ann.你好,安。
[00:44.67]That's her sister. 那是她的姐姐。
[00:46.90]Her name's Kate.她叫凯特。
[00:49.79]Who's this?这是谁?
[00:52.45]He's my father.他是我的爸爸。
[00:57.55]Is this your mother?这是你的妈妈吗?
[01:00.16]No, she isn't. 不,她不是。
[01:02.12]She is my aunt.她是我的姑姑。
[01:04.61]That's my family.那是我的家人。
[01:09.59]Unit 6 Listen and Number 听录音,标号。
[01:47.52]Unit 6 Talk Together 一起说
[01:51.92]This is Lisa's family.这是丽莎的家庭。
[01:55.60]Who's this?这是谁?
[01:57.76]It's her mother.这是她妈妈。
[01:59.95]Is this her father?这是她的爸爸吗?
[02:03.51]Yes, that's right.是的,这是她的爸爸。
[02:06.77]Unit 6 Listen and Point 听并指出来
[02:40.70]Unit 6 Sounds and Letters 语音和单词
[02:46.65]X-rayX光片  watermelon西瓜 
[02:52.60]watch手表  zebra斑马  yo-yo溜溜球
[03:01.60]Unit 6 Listen for W, X, Y and Z
[03:46.50]Unit 6 Let's Sing!第六单元 一起唱!
[04:26.84][03:51.72]ABCD EFG
[04:04.40]HIJK LMNOP
[04:09.29]QRST UVW XYZ
[04:18.15]All the letters of the ABC.
[04:37.28]Unit 6 Let's Sing!第六单元 一起唱!
[05:17.78][05:01.53][04:47.19]Happy New Year!
[05:02.74][04:48.57]Happy New Year!
[05:04.25][04:49.96]Happy New Year to you all.
[05:07.12][04:52.84]We are singing. We are dancing.
[05:09.99][04:55.67]Happy New Year to you all!
[05:36.97]Listening Test听力测试
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