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小学英语北师大版(一起点)二年级上册Unit 5

[00:02.10]Unit 5 Welcome第五单元 欢迎
[00:08.72]Hi, Mocky. Come in.嗨,Mocky。请进。
[00:12.46]She's my mother.她是我的妈妈。
[00:15.30]Mom, this is Mocky.妈妈,这是Mocky。
[00:18.35]Hello, Mocky.你好,Mocky。
[00:24.14]He's my father.他是我的爸爸。
[00:26.17]That's his parrot.那是他的鹦鹉。
[00:28.94]Dad, this is Mocky.爸爸,这是 Mocky。
[00:32.00]Hello, Mocky.你好,Mocky。
[00:34.56]Hi, Ann.嗨,安。
[00:36.94]Hi, Mocky.嗨,Mocky。
[00:39.29]Let's go to her room, Mocky!我们去她的房间,
[00:43.12]Look at her dolls.看她的洋娃娃。
[00:47.65]Kate, this is Mocky.凯特,这是 Mocky。
[00:50.74]Hi, Mocky.你好,Mocky。
[00:53.12]She is my sister. 她是我的姐姐。
[00:55.16]This is her new bike.这是她的新自行车。
[01:01.67]Unit 5 Learn to Say第五单元 学着说
[01:06.71]He's my father. 他是我的爸爸。
[01:09.03]That's his parrot.那是他的鹦鹉。
[01:11.67]He's my friend, Mocky.他是我的朋友,Mocky。
[01:14.70]That's his bag.那是他的包。
[01:17.56]parrot鹦鹉 bag包  computer电脑 car 小汽车
[01:26.74]Unit 5 Listen to This第五单元 听力练习
[02:15.32]Unit 5 Let's Sing!第五单元 一起唱!
[02:41.11][02:24.91]My family! My family!
[02:43.45][02:27.19]My mother, My father,
[02:45.94][02:29.58]My uncle, My aunt, My brother, My sister,
[02:50.87][02:34.48]And here's little me!
[02:54.73]Unit 5 Talk Together第五单元 一起说
[02:59.89]Who's this, Cathy?这是谁,凯茜?
[03:02.30]It's my friend.这是我的朋友。
[03:04.41]What's his name?他叫什么名字?
[03:06.66]His name is John.他的名字是约翰。
[03:09.30]Is he from the USA?他来自美国吗?
[03:12.64]No, he isn't. 不,他不是。
[03:14.39]He is from Canada.他来自加拿大。
[03:17.74]Unit 5 Listen and Number 听录音,标号。
[03:51.90]Unit 5 Sounds and Letters第五单元 语音与单词
[03:57.22]sun太阳  salad沙拉  umbrella雨伞 
[04:03.99]taxi出租车  violin小提琴
[04:09.16]Unit 5 Listen for S, T, U and V
[04:57.08]Unit 5 Uncle Booky's Blackboard
[05:03.28]He's my father.他是我的爸爸。
[05:06.19]That's his parrot.那是他的鹦鹉。
[05:08.94]She's my mother.她是我的妈妈。
[05:11.73]That's her car.那是她的车。
[05:14.62]He's=He is
[05:18.45]She's=She is
[05:23.13]Unit 5 Let's Chant!第五单元 一起唱!
[05:29.24]We'll go and visit uncle,
[05:31.69]It's very, very far.
[05:33.99]We'll take some tea with us,
[05:36.22]And we'll go there in a car.
[05:38.94]We'll go and visit uncle,
[05:41.16]It's very, very far.
[05:43.53]We'll take some salad with us,
[05:46.00]And go there in a car.
[05:48.49]We'll go and visit uncle,
[05:50.88]It's very, very far.
[05:53.15] We'll take a violin with us,
[05:55.57]And go there in a car.
[06:00.69]Unit 5 Uncle Booky's Storytime
[06:12.05]Daddy, Daddy...爸爸,爸爸……
[06:14.51]Let me help you.让我来帮你。
[06:20.72]Is he your daddy?他是你的爸爸吗?
[06:25.21]No, he isn't.不,他不是。
[06:26.82]He's a snake.他是蛇。
[06:31.49]Is he your daddy?他是你的爸爸吗?
[06:34.24]No, he isn't. 不,他不是。
[06:36.07]He's a frog.他是青蛙。
[06:39.42]Is he your daddy?他是你的爸爸吗?
[06:42.27]No, he isn't. 不,他不是。
[06:44.41]He's a turtle.他是海龟。
[06:48.96]Are you his daddy?那你是他的爸爸吗?
[06:52.07]No, I'm not. 不,我不是。
[06:54.39]I have no baby.我没有孩子。
[07:00.02]Help! Help!救命!救命!
[07:03.28]Come on, my baby. 快来,我的孩子。
[07:05.79]Follow me.跟我来。
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