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小学英语北师大版(一起点)二年级上册Unit 4

[00:02.01]Unit 4 My family第四单元 我的家庭
[00:06.10]Ready? Smile!准备好了吗?笑一下!
[00:10.89]Look at this photo, Uncle Booky!
[00:15.28]Who's that?那是谁?
[00:17.54]That's my mother.那是我的妈妈。
[00:20.56]Who's that?那是谁?
[00:22.83]That's my father.那是我的爸爸。
[00:25.88]Who's that?那是谁?
[00:28.13]That's my sister.那是我的姐姐。
[00:31.30]That's Ken.那是肯。
[00:33.68]Yes, Ken's my brother.是的,肯是我的哥哥。
[00:37.61]Who's that?那是谁?
[00:39.85]That's me!那是我!
[00:42.85]This is my family!这就是我的全家。
[00:46.27]Unit 4 Learn to Say第四单元 学着说
[00:51.42]This is my family.这是我的家庭。
[00:54.35]That's my grandfather.那是我的爷爷。
[00:58.04]father爸爸  mother妈妈  aunt姑姑  uncle叔叔 
[01:09.77]grandmother奶奶  brother哥哥  grandfather爷爷
[01:18.38]Unit 4 Listen to This第四单元 听力练习
[01:48.73]Unit 4 Talk Together第四单元 一起说
[01:52.97]Is this your family, Angela?
[01:56.61]Yes, it is.是的,这是。
[02:00.03]Who's this?这是谁?
[02:02.46]This is my father, 这是我的爸爸,
[02:04.82]and that is my mother.那是我的妈妈。
[02:08.04]Is that you?这是你吗?
[02:10.48]No, that's my sister!不,那是我的妹妹。
[02:15.01]Unit 4 Listen and Number听录音,标号。
[02:43.45]Unit 4 Sounds and letters语音与单词
[02:48.33]orange橙子  queen皇后  panda熊猫 
[02:56.64]rat老鼠  rooster公鸡
[03:02.34]Unit 4 Listen for O, P, Q and R
[03:50.94]Unit 4 Uncle Booky's Blackboard
[03:56.78]Who's that?那是谁?
[03:59.21]That's my grandfather.那是我的爷爷。
[04:02.17]Who is that?那是谁?
[04:04.71]That is my grandmother.那是我的奶奶。
[04:07.98]Is this your family?这是你的家庭吗?
[04:10.80]Yes, it is.是的,这是。
[04:14.05]Unit 4 Let's Chant!第四单元 一起唱!
[04:22.02]On and on Three rats are running,
[04:25.74]Running quickly, Running quietly,
[04:29.86]Rats are running On and on.
[04:37.36]On and on Three rabbits jumping,
[04:41.27]Jumping quickly, Jumping quietly,
[04:45.20]Rabbits jumping On and on.
[04:52.70]On and on Three pandas walking,
[04:56.64]Walking quicky, Walking quietly,
[05:00.61]Pandas walking On and on.
[05:07.24]Unit 4 Uncle Booky's Storytime
[05:18.75]Who is that?那是谁?
[05:20.37]I don't know.我不知道。
[05:22.67]Hi, I'm Tom. 嗨,我是汤姆。
[05:25.12]This is my sister Jane.这是我的姐姐简。
[05:28.04]Who are you?你是谁?
[05:30.03]Hi, my name is Leo.嗨,我是Leo。
[05:33.88]Come in, please.请进。
[05:36.62]What's that?那是什么?
[05:38.75]This is my dad.这是我的爸爸。
[05:44.87]This is my mom.这是我的妈妈。
[05:47.36]Nice to meet you.见到你真高兴。
[05:50.43]Nice to meet you, too.见到你我也很高兴。
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