首页 教育资源 小学英语 北师大版英语(一起点) 六年级上



[00:09.56]Hey,everyone,look at this!嘿,大家看这个!

[00:11.94]It sounds great!看上去挺不错的!

[00:13.88]Let's meet at five o'clock on Saturday

[00:16.63]and go there together.

[00:20.13]Hi,Can I help you?嗨,需要我帮忙吗?

[00:22.42]Yes,I want to learn to play tennis.我想学打网球.

[00:25.80]Do you have a class?你们有网球课吗?

[00:27.52]Yes,we do.

[00:29.17]There's a class tomorrow at eleven o'clock.

[00:31.88]Do you have a partner?你有搭档吗?

[00:33.92]No,I don't.

[00:36.64]I'll ask my friends.我会问问我的朋友.

[00:40.02]Hey,I need a partner for tennis.

[00:43.24]What are you all doing tomorrow at eleven 


[00:48.38]Ann and I are ice-skating at ten thirty.

[00:53.43]Sorry,Lisa.We're playing bowling at ten o'clock.

[00:59.10]I have a ski class at eleven.我在十一点有滑雪课.

[01:05.34]I can't play with you,Lisa.我不能和你一起玩,利萨.

[01:07.80]I'm going to the gym.我要去体育馆.


[01:13.02]I'm going swimming tomorrow.我明天要去游泳.

[01:16.80]I don't have a partner for the tennis class.

[01:20.44]How about karate?学空手道怎么样?

[01:22.36]You don't need a partner.你可以不需要搭档.

[01:23.85]The first class is tomorrow at ten o'clock.

[01:27.40]Ok,I'll be here.我会到的.

[01:29.69]Cool!Karate. 酷!空手道.


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