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[00:03.06]Unit 11 第十一单元
[00:05.22]Story 故事
[00:05.67]Cooking with Mocky
[00:07.30]Let's make a cake.我们做蛋糕吧.
[00:10.83]Read me the recipe,Mocky.给我读烹饪方法,莫奇.
[00:13.17]What do we need?我们需要什么?
[00:14.89]We need flour,eggs,milk,sugar and butter.
[00:20.83]Tell me the first step.告诉我第一步.
[00:24.19]Put three kilograms of flour into a bowl.
[00:29.32]Give me three kilograms of flour,please,Ann.
[00:38.74]Add one kilogram of butter to the flour,Ken.
[00:43.71]Get me the butter,please,Ann.
[00:47.22]Mix the butter and flour together.
[00:51.24]Add a liter of milk.加一升牛奶.
[00:54.63]Now break twelve eggs in to the bowl.
[01:00.24]Twelve eggs,Mocky?十二个鸡蛋?
[01:02.64]Are you sure?你确定吗?
[01:05.61]Yes,and add two kilograms of sugar.
[01:10.30]Mocky,show me the recipe,please.
[01:14.69]That's not the recipe Mocky!
[01:18.28]I know I wanted a bigger cake!
[01:29.29]Yesterday was Fater's Day.昨天是父亲节.
[01:32.26]Ken and I decided to make a cake for Dad.
[01:36.42]Mocky wanted to help.莫奇想帮忙.
[01:38.67]He read the recipe.他读烹饪方法.
[01:41.16]He asked us to put three kilograms of flour 
[01:45.06]into a bowl.
[01:47.50]Three kilograms of flour were a lot!
[01:51.22]I was puzzled .我很迷惑.
[01:53.34]Ken put three kilograms of flour into the bowl.
[01:59.03]Then Mocky asked Ken to add one kilogram of
[02:03.97]butter to the flour.
[02:06.76]One kilogram of butter was a lot!
[02:10.57]I was more puzzled.我更加迷惑不解了.
[02:12.92]After that,Mocky asked Ken to add twelve eggs
[02:18.22]and two kilograms of sugar.
[02:21.96]Twelve eggs and two kilograms of sugar?
[02:27.10]I was even more puzzled.我更加迷惑了.
[02:29.98]I asked Mocky to show me the recipe.
[02:34.13]Can you guess?你能猜出来吗?
[02:36.06]Mocky changed the recipe because he wanted a 
[02:39.93]bigger cake!
[02:48.25]Words to Learn
[02:52.21]flour 面粉
[02:53.86]cookbook 食谱
[02:55.62]a liter of milk 一升牛奶
[02:58.62]sugar 糖
[03:00.16]butter 黄油
[03:02.20]plate 盘子
[03:03.89]salt 盐
[03:05.81]knife 小刀
[03:07.81]step 步骤
[03:09.43]add 加
[03:11.24]bake 烘烤
[03:13.12]break 打碎
[03:14.83]mix 混合
[03:16.93]need 需要
[03:19.06]pour 倾倒
[03:25.62]Listen to This
[04:21.20]Talk Together
[04:25.71]I want to make a cake.我想做蛋糕.
[04:27.75]Can you help me?你能帮我吗?
[04:29.79]Of course.当然.
[04:31.15]How can I help?我怎么帮你?
[04:32.89]Read me the recipe,please.请给我读食谱.
[04:37.14]The first step,put 2 cups of flour into the
[04:43.20]Ok,2 cups of flour.好的,两杯面粉.
[04:47.15]And then?然后呢?
[04:54.81]Listen and Practice
[04:58.01]Mark can't start his car
[05:02.33]Martha and Karl are going to Mars.
[05:07.37]My uncle is under an ugly umbrella.
[05:12.86]Jane's brother loves bread and butter.
[05:22.88]Let's Sing!
[07:37.12]Listen and Check
[08:34.22]Uncle Booky's Storytime
[08:38.12]The Emperor's New Clothes
[08:40.96]Part 5
[08:43.19]The two liars asked for more expensive silk.
[08:48.03]They put all the silk into their own bags.
[08:52.04]On the New Year's Day,they shouted, 
[08:55.57]"The Emperor's new suit is ready."
[08:59.98]The Emperor was very happy.
[09:03.02]The two liars took out the new suit from
[09:07.15]a big box and showed it to everyone.
[09:11.46]They were all surprised because nobody could
[09:14.94]see the suit.
[09:16.73]But no one said so.
[09:19.11]They all shouted,"What a wonderful suit!"
[09:23.90]The Emperor put on the "new suit"and walked
[09:27.76]out to the street.
[09:36.05]new words
[09:38.15]own 自己的
[09:39.82]nobody 没有人
[09:41.69]wonderful 非常好的
[09:43.68]put on 穿上
[09:51.87]Listen and write the words

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