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[00:03.77]Unit 7 第七单元
[00:05.98]Story  故事
[00:06.96]At the airport 在机场
[00:09.62]There's Dad!是爸爸!
[00:15.36]Come back!回来!
[00:17.75]How was your trip?旅行怎么样?
[00:19.88]It was wonderful!棒极了!
[00:21.44]Thank you!谢谢!
[00:22.90]Let me get your bag.我来拿你的包.
[00:27.23]That bag isn't mine.那个包不是我的.
[00:29.81]Mine is green.我的是绿色的.
[00:33.31]This bag is mine.这个包是我的.
[00:36.18]I'm sorry 对不起.
[00:38.19]Here you are.给你.
[00:42.82]Is this yours?是你的吗?
[00:45.17]Yes,it's mine.是的,是我的.
[00:49.32]Are there any gifts in the bag?
[00:52.91]Open it and see.打开看看.
[00:57.36]Dad,this bag isn't yours.爸爸,这个包不是你的.
[01:00.29]These are women's clothes.这些是女人的衣服.
[01:03.32]This bag is hers.这个包是她的.
[01:07.39]This bag isn't his.这个包不是他的.
[01:09.96]Is it yours?是你的吗?
[01:12.54]Yes,it's mine.是的,是我的.
[01:16.39]Is this monkey yours?这个猴子是你们的吗?
[01:19.22]Yes,he's ours and he's going home now!
[01:30.99]Yesterday,Dad came back from Germany.
[01:35.14]Mom,Ann and Ken went to the airport to meet him
[01:40.80]Mocky went with them,too.莫奇也跟着他们去了.
[01:43.47]Mocky saw Dad first and ran to him quickly.
[01:48.00]He was very excited and he wanted to help 
[01:51.56]Dad with his bag.
[01:53.89]Soon,Mocky came back with a blue bag,but it
[01:58.34]wasn't Dad's bag.
[02:00.61]Dad's bag was green.爸爸的包是绿色的.
[02:05.15]Mocky went away again.莫奇又跑开了.
[02:07.65]This time he came back with a green bag.
[02:11.39]He opened it but there were only women's 
[02:15.40]It wasn't Dad's bag either.这也不是爸爸的包.
[02:18.46]A woman walked to them.一个女人向他们走去.
[02:20.78]She had a green bag in her hand,but it wasn't
[02:26.32]Finally,Mocky gave his green bag to the woman
[02:30.73]and the woman gave her green bag to Dad.
[02:41.65]Words to Learn
[02:45.57]It's mine.这是我的.
[02:47.62]It's yours 这是你的.
[02:49.66]It's hers 这是她的
[02:51.84]It's his 这是他的
[02:54.00]It's ours 这是我们的
[02:56.11]It's theirs 这是他们的
[02:58.41]backpack 背包
[03:00.51]suitcase 衣箱
[03:02.46]trip 旅行
[03:04.20]get 拿
[03:06.02]come back 回来
[03:07.98]go home 回家
[03:10.09] sorry 对不起
[03:18.55]Listen to This
[03:21.91]Write the number.
[04:15.57]Talk Together
[04:19.31]Whose watch is this? 这个表是谁的?
[04:21.66]Is it yours?是你的吗?
[04:23.83]Let me have a look.我看看.
[04:25.80]No,it isn't .不,不是.
[04:27.34]Ask Jane.问问简.
[04:28.83]I think it's hers.我认为是她的.
[04:32.76]Look at this watch.看看这块表.
[04:34.18]Is it yours?是你的吗?
[04:36.04]No,it isn't .不,不是.
[04:37.98]Ask Bob.问问鲍勃.
[04:39.38]I think it's his.我认为是他的.
[04:41.96]Where is Bob?鲍勃在哪儿?
[04:43.55]Do you know?你知道吗?
[04:45.64]Oh,he is going home now.哦,他现在要回家了.
[04:55.26]Listen and Practice
[04:58.03]Ken gets up at seven and goes to bed at ten.
[05:05.26]Ken is writing a letter to his friend with
[05:08.67]his left hand.
[05:12.31]Kate is painting her name on a board.
[05:17.80]Jane's radio is on the table.
[05:27.39]Let's Sing!
[07:17.17]Listen and Match
[08:13.59]Uncle Booky's Storytime
[08:17.29]The Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新衣
[08:20.52]Part 1
[08:22.29]Once upon a time,there was an Emperor.
[08:26.09]He didn't like to ride horses.
[08:29.03]He didn't like to go fishing .
[08:32.00]He didn't like to visit farms.
[08:34.90]He didn't like to read or write either.
[08:38.48]He liked only new clothes.
[08:42.04]Every day,he wanted to wear some new clothes
[08:46.10]and walk in the streets.
[08:49.19]All the tailors in the country worked very 
[08:52.46]hard and made new clothes for him,but he 
[08:56.66]still wanted to have more.
[08:59.70]The tailors were worried because they had no
[09:03.11]more new ideas.
[09:11.59]new words
[09:13.55]an Emperor 一个皇帝
[09:15.70]go fishing去钓鱼
[09:17.99]streets 街道
[09:19.88]tailors 裁缝
[09:21.85]country 国家
[09:23.71]worked hard 努力工作
[09:25.95]new ideas 新主意
[09:35.45]Listen and write the words

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