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[0:03.697]Unit 4
[0:05.184]Mocky's birthday 
[0:06.930]Uncle Booky's Storytime 
[0:09.603]1. Read the story.

[0:12.992]      Jack and the Beanstalk
[0:15.416]                  Part 4
[0:17.752]      The giant was very tall and
[0:20.792]      strong.He was very ugly, too.
[1:15.816]                                             New words
[0:28.520]      Jack remembered the giant because
[1:17.179][0:31.610]                                               ugly
[0:32.154]      many years ago this giant killed
[1:18.281]                                               killed
[0:34.801]      his father.Jack was very angry.
[1:20.198]                                               angry
[0:37.313]      He watched the giant.The giant
[1:21.593]                                               laid
[0:39.935]      played the harp.The chicken
[1:24.128]                                               gold
[0:42.912]      listened to the music.It laid
[0:45.865]      three eggs.They were gold eggs!
[0:51.890]      Jack waited and waited behind the
[0:55.199]      door.The giant went to sleep.
[0:56.969]      Jack walked to the table and took
[1:06.954]      the chicken and the harp.He ran 
[1:09.049]to the beanstalk quickly... 
[1:28.233]2. Number the pictures in order. 
[1:31.409]3. Check the correct answer.

a. Jack watched...
   the door   the giant     the harp

b. The chiken...
   listen to the music     played the harp
   went to sleep

c. The chiken laid...
   thirteen      thirty       three
   eggs          eggs         eggs 
e. Jack ran to the beanstalk. He took...

   the          the        the
   chiken       giant      eggs

[1:40.225]4. Listen and write the words.

                       The giant sat near me.Then he
                       1. _________ the harp.I 2.
                       ___________ to the music.It 3.
 was                  _______ very good.I laid three
played                4. ______.Soon the giant was 5.
sleeping              ____________.Then the boy put
 shirt                me in his 6. _______.He ran to
  eggs                the beanstalk.
  Read and Write

[2:34.366]1. Complete the email. 
[2:36.535]2. What did you do for your mother's birthday?
[2:39.752]   Write three sentences in the email.

[2:44.097]                                       make a cake
[2:45.496]                                       go to a
[2:47.055]                                       restaurant
[2:48.473]              Dear Ken,
[2:49.384]                                       give
[2:51.272]                                       flowers
[2:53.951]                                       be happy 
[2:55.639]  Self-assessment

[2:56.464]1. I can answer these questions. 
[2:58.440]2. I can complete these sentences. 

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