首页 教育资源 小学英语 北师大版英语(一起点) 五年级上


[0:07.715]School sports day 
[0:08.443] Uncle Booky's Storytime
[0:10.501]1. Read the story. 
[0:13.068]Jack and the Beanstalk
[0:16.093]            Part 3
[0:18.748]Jack climbed up the beanstalk.He
[0:21.298]climbed and climbed.Suddenly he
[0:25.533]saw a very,very big house in
[0:30.587]front of him.Jack knocked at the
[0:34.228]door but there was no answer.He
[0:37.628]walked into the house and went
[0:41.355]into the kitchen.He wanted some
[0:44.989]food.There was a chicken on the
[0:49.396]table,and also a harp.Suddenly,
[0:55.147]he heard some noise.A giant came
[0:59.138]into the kitchen and sat at the
[1:01.844]table.Jack hid behind the kitchen
[1:05.851]door quickly... 
[1:07.916]New words
[1:10.283]  answer
[1:12.643]  saw
[1:14.378]  harp
[1:17.267]  heard
[1:19.260]  giant
[1:23.218]  hid 
[1:24.940]2. Number the pictures in order. 
[1:28.739]3. Check (√) the correct answer. 
[1:32.746]4. Listen and write the words. 
[2:36.748]  Read and Write

[2:39.946]1. Write the names.
[2:43.674]Yesterday Carla, John, Sam, Kim,
[2:47.365]Nancy, and Ricky had a swimming
[2:49.762]race.Carla swam well. She was
[2:53.900]first.Nancy swam badly. She was
[3:04.860]last.Kim came before Nancy.Ricky
[3:09.715]came after Carla.John came before
[3:12.130]Kim.Sam came after Ricky and
[3:14.852]before John. 
[3:18.666]2. Now complete the story. 
[3:21.732]kitchen  ate
[3:23.635]bedroom  living room
[3:26.531]desk     watched 
[3:29.996]  Self-assessment

[3:33.227]1. I can write.
[3:40.780]Who was first?
[3:42.641]Who was second?
[3:45.697]Who was third?
[3:57.629]2. What did you do last Sunday?Write three
[4:04.460]   things you did. 
[4:05.906]Last Sunday I
[4:07.947]visited my grandma.
[4:09.500]We went to the zoo
[4:10.292]and played with the
[4:11.595]rabbits there.I
[4:13.237]had a great time. 

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