首页 教育资源 小学英语 北师大版英语(一起点) 五年级上


[0:05.894]Mocky's bad day 
[0:09.574] Uncle Booky's Storytime
[0:12.359]1. Read the story. 
[0:15.717]  Jack and the Beanstalk
[0:17.942]              Part 2
[0:19.990]One day,Jack and his cow went to a
[0:23.975]market.He wanted some food.But no
[0:27.870]one wanted his old cow.At last, an
[0:34.221]old man came.He had some magic
[0:39.357]beans.Jack gave his cow to the man
[0:44.093]and the man gave Jack the beans.Then
[0:47.630]Jack went home.He put the beans in
[0:52.046]the garden.The next day,there was a
[0:55.622]tall beanstalk in the garden.Jack
[0:58.678]was very surprised.He began to
[1:05.031]climb the beanstalk... 
[1:08.182]New words
[1:10.694] market
[1:12.870] at last
[1:16.693] magic
[1:18.220] began 
[1:21.144]2. Number the pictures in order. 
[1:26.916]3. Check (√) the correct answer. 
[1:32.790]4. Listen and write the words. 
[2:19.935]  Read and Write

[2:23.230]1. Complete the story. 
[2:25.664]2. Work in pairs.Write sentences about Joe. 
[2:31.103]3. Now tell the story to your friends. 
[2:36.527][2:30.512]Joe was hungry
[2:37.560]yesterday afternoon... 
[2:40.333]  Self-assessment

[2:45.046]1. I can write about my day. 
[2:46.390]I was at home this morning.
[2:48.606]I cleaned my bedroom.Mocky
[2:52.942]visited me at twelve.We
[2:55.219]went to Uncle Booky's house
[2:59.135]2. I can complete the table. 

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