首页 教育资源 小学英语 北师大版英语(一起点) 五年级上


[0:04.303]Ann's dream 
[0:06.094] Uncle Booky's Storytime
[0:10.089]1. Read the story. 
[0:12.736]    Jack and the Beanstalk
[0:14.613]              Part 1
[0:17.290]Long, long ago,there was a young man
[0:21.762]in a small town.His name was Jack.
[0:27.179]Jack had no brothers or sisters.His
[0:30.413]father was dead.He lived with his
[0:33.918]mother.His mother was old,but she
[0:38.223]was strong.Jack and his mother were
[0:42.043]very poor.They had no money.Their
[0:46.840]house was small and old.Their
[0:50.220]clothes were old, too.Often they had
[0:56.012]no food for dinner.They were very
[0:58.831]sad.They had an old, brown cow... 
[1:03.254]New words

[1:11.355]lived with
[1:16.164]2. Number the pictures in order. 
[1:20.038]3. Check (√) the correct answer. 
[1:23.611]4. Listen and write the words. 
[2:04.796]  Read and Write

[2:05.832]1. Write the missing words. 
[2:07.398]You can use words
[2:10.460]more than once.
[2:12.548]      was
[2:13.574]      were
[2:15.186]      had 
[2:17.133]2. Write three sentences about Uncle
[2:21.872]   Booky's dream. 
[2:24.412]3. Tell your friends about your dream.

[2:29.241]       In my dream,
[2:31.201]       I was a vet. 
[2:33.077]  Self-assessment

[2:35.174]1. I can find these words in the circle. 
[2:39.539]2. I can write three sentences about
[2:46.016]   Ann's dream. 

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